About Us
The Journey of Akasha Bhairava LLC began with small but confident steps in 2021 by a group of EXPAT Hindus. It was started with the objective of creating Enlightened Ecosystems around the world by contributing to every Human being by introducing Yoga, Meditation Powerful cognitions & life solutions from ancient Hindu Scriptures.
Akasha Bhairava was established as a company to support the EXPAT Hindus of the Shrikailasa Nation to eNreach and eNrich these great life solutions to all beings.
With a team of experienced professionals & well trained monk, the discourses and life solutions delivered by The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam over the last 20 years, have been brought in form of courses and sessions.
They are simple life solutions, practically applicable in our day to day life.

Our Philosophy
The idea that all beings can live in peace and harmony, and that all human beings are equal and divine, and can reach their highest potential irrespective of their color, nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation, caste, creed or race
Our Vision
Enlightened living for all of humanity which is rooted in the fundamental principle of Advaita or Oneness